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"Where words leave off, music begins." - Heinrich Heine

Paweł Iwaszkiewicz

Recorder and transverse flute performer studied with Michael Meltzer at the Academy of Music and Dance in Jerusalem. He improved his skills at master classes with Ricardo Kanji and Robert Ehrlich. He cooperated with numerous early music ensembles (Ars Cantus, Warsaw Chamber Opera, Morgaine, Brevis Consort, Camerata Cracovia and others), National Philharmonic in Warsaw and traditional music (Kapela Brodów, Arboretum Project, Open Folk) with which he recorded over 30 CDs.
In addition to baroque music also plays contemporary repertoire, Renaissance, medieval and traditional on transverse flutes, shawm, bagpipes and dulcians.
Author of music for theater performances, founder of the ensembles Dancerye, Open Folk, Orkiestra Czasu Zarazy, Yełdyryn. He is also co-founder of the renaissance flute quartet "Epithalamion" and member of the project "Path of Dance", illustrating the common roots of Polish and Swedish traditional music.  He recorded the CD "Cantigas de Santa Maria", together with the rock singer Maciej Maleńczyk in 2006 and performed throughout Europe and in the USA, Japan, and Taiwan. He holds masterclasses in the field of flute playing and medieval reed instruments. He is also a graduate of the Faculty of Law at the University of Warsaw.

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Orkiestra Czasów Zarazy
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Orkiestra Czasów Zarazy